To have a web site people usually buy such a service called web hosting. Businesses use services of paid professionals if they like to have their web hosting in their own premises. If you have an old laptop or PC and are connected to a broadband line you can create your own website free, as a rewarding do-it-yourself hobby.


  1. Get the Apache server software. Your old computer will be called your "Web Server" from now on. Download public license Apache HTTP Server to your old computer. This free software is also the most widely used server on the Internet.

    Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 1.jpg

  2. Double click on the downloaded file to install it.
    Fill the dialogue required fields. It is quite arbitrary information and later you can change them.
  3. Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 2.jpg
    Select the custom install from options in the next dialogue. Change the install directory of Apache to your desired folder.
  4. Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 3.jpg
    Go to that directory and find "conf" folder. In that folder open the "httpd.conf" file. Now in your "Web Server" create a root directory for your web site; for example, "C:\Web\MyWeb"
  5. Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 4.jpg
    Inside the "httpd.conf", change the Apache default serving document root to your web root.
      Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 5Bullet1.jpg
    • Before
    • After
      Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 5Bullet2.jpg
  6.   Also in the same file change the default Apache web directory to your own web directory.
    • Before
      Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 6Bullet1.jpg
    • After
      Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 6Bullet2.jpg

    Use a basic knowledge of writing HTML code and create a test page; write in it "I am a winner!
    " Save it as "C:\Web\MyWeb\index.html"
  8. Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 7.jpg

    Open your port 80 for forwarding as described in Open Your Port 80 Behind a Firewall
  9. Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 8.jpg

    Locate your site.
    Now in your "Web Server" open your favorite browser and type in the address bar, http://localhost/ Your winner page will be served by the Internet on your browser.
  10. Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 9.jpg

    Get the IP of your home.
    That is the address of your broadband given by your Internet Service Provider, on the Internet. Ask a friend of yours to type it in his browser. Your site is open to public now.
    • If your IP number is, say, then your friend types
      Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 10Bullet1.jpg

    • This IP is subject to change and difficult to remember. It needs to be maintained dynamically, and pointed by a name like other sites, say [] .
    • Create a Web Host in Your Home Step 10Bullet2.jpg


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