Hi Friends,
In this tutorial i m going to
explain you "How to
create Portable versions
of any Software with
VMware thinApp ".
Here are the steps:
1. First of all you need to
install VMware thinApp...
2. Now Before go to next
step, if the software to
which you want to make
portable, is installed on
your computer, then you
need to uninstall it.
3. Now start Vmware thin
App for creating Portable
Application. For that go
to start> All Programs>
VMware> ThinApp Setup
4. Now many Frames will
open one by one, just
press next in all, instead
of some that i will explain
in next steps.
5. Now A frame will open
5.1 first click on
'Advanced Scan location'
and make sure that the
drive is select where you
install your softwares and
press OK.
5.2 Now Click on 'Prescan'.
After pressing Prescan,
Scanning will start, So
wait till scanning finish, be
6. After finished Scanning,
Simply Install the software
to which you want to
make portable on your
system(same as you
normally do).
7. After Installation of
software, click on
'Postscan'. Now
again Scanning will start.
8. After Completion of post
scanning, Select the exe
of the Appl ication which u
installed in step 6. and
Press 'Next'.
9. Now select 'USB flash
Portable media' and Press
10. In last step click
11. As soon as the
previous step is finished,
your application is now
become portable, you can
check that porable
application by going to C:
\Program Files\VMware
\VMware Th inApp
Here you will find a folder
of that software which u
hv created. Now open
that folder. Search for a
folder named 'Bin', open it.
here you will found the
exe of your Portable
software.... Copy it and
paste it into your USB...
and use it anywhere  !!!!

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