Lesson: User and Group Administration
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd | less
root : 0
system user: 1 - 999
regular user: 1000 +
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd tarek
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep tarek
tarek: x: 1001: 1001: :/home/tarek :/bin/bash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 - username
2 - user password info (/etc/shadow)
3 - userid (UID)
4 - groupid (GID): primary
5 - user's comment/descriptions
6 - user's home dir
7 - user's shell
[root@desktopX ~]# id tarek
uid=1001(tarek) gid=1001(tarek) groups=1001(tarek)
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow ; user password related info
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahfuz ; user create
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mamun
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahfuz
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Alt+Ctrl+F2 -- Alt+Ctrl+F6
login: mahfuz ; login as regular user
pass: 123 ; (note: please numlock on)
[mahfuz@desktopX ~]$ exit
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd trainer ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd staff ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group ; group related info
trainer :x: 1003:
1 2 3 4
1 - group name
2 - group password info (/etc/gshadow)
3 - gid
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group ; check trainer group
[root@desktopX ~]# gpasswd -M mahfuz,mamun trainer ; '-M' for members
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer tarek ;existing user modify
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -G trainer belal ; newuser to group
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/group | grep trainer
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer,staff ikbal ; single user assign to multiple groups
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# id ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -u 3000 roman ; user careate with UID
[root@desktopX ~]# grep roman /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd -g 3100 admin
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# groupmod -n faculty trainer ;change group name
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# gpasswd -d ikbal staff ; remove from group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd -d ikbal ; password remove
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Login regular user:
Linux GUI terminal: 1 (Alt + Ctrl + F1)
Linux Command Terminal: (Alt+Ctrl+F2 - Alt + Ctrl + F6)
Login as root user
[root@desktopX ~]# id rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -c "Linux X student" rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1000:1000:Linux X student:/home/rafat:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# mkdir /newhome/rafat -p
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -d /newhome/rafat rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1003:1003: :/newhome/rafat:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/shells
[root@desktopX ~]# id student
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /sbin/nologin student ;change user shell
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
student :x:1002:1002::/home/student :/sbin/nologin
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /bin/bash student ;shell enable
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -L student ; user account lock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: ! $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -U student ; user account unlock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel rafat ; user delete without home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel -r rafat ; delete user with home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupdel admin ; groupdel
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# w ; user whats they are doing
[root@desktopX ~]# getent passwd student
[root@desktopX ~]# getent passwd admin
[root@desktopX ~]# getent group admin
[root@desktopX ~]# getent group student
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -u 5000 -c "BOSS" -s /sbin/nologin sakib
[root@desktopX ~]# grep sakib /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahedi
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahedi
Login: mahedi
Pass: *****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
-bash: /usr/sbin/useradd: Permission denied
What is SUDO do ?
Sudo allows a permitted user to execute a specifc command or a
group of commands or all commands as the superuser.
regular user: rumon, rony, lucky
=> rm,cp,mv,
=> mkdir,touch
=> pwd,free -m,
=> ping, df -HT
=> ip addr, tail
Command run from: /bin/
super user: root
=> useradd, passwd, groupadd
=> setup, systemctl
=> shutdown, poweroff
=> setenforce
Command run from: /sbin
Note: [root@desktopX ~]# which useradd ; command for location of useradd command
[root@desktopX ~]# which pwd
Editing sudo configuration File:
Rules 1: permit for all
[root@desktopX ~]# visudo
:set nu
98 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
99 mahedi ALL=(ALL) ALL ; mahedi allow for any command
:x (save and exit)
Press: Alt + Ctrl + F3
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ sudo useradd rasel
[sudo] password for mahedi: ****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ tail /etc/passwd
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ exit
Working with /etc/shadow file:
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow | grep lucky
Login: lucky
passL: 123
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky ;password info
Last password change : MM DD, YYYY
Password expires : never
Password inactive : never
Account expires : never
Minimum number of days between password change : 0
Maximum number of days between password change : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
password: P@ssword123 (new password)
[root@desktopX ~]# chage lucky
Minimum Password age [0]: 3
Maximum Password age [99999]: 30
Last Password Changed (YYYY-MM-DD): Press Enter (today)
Password Expiration Warning [7]: 5
Password Inactive [-1]: 5
Account Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) [-1]: YYYY-MM-DD
note: If press Enter account never expire
[root@desktopX ~]# date
[root@desktopX ~]# date MMDDHHMMYY
[root@desktopX ~]# date
============= More commands ==============
[root@desktopX ~]# grep lucky /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# date -d "+30 days"
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -M 90 lucky ;every 90 days
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# grep lucky /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -d 0 lucky ;must changed password in next login
[root@desktopX ~]# vim /etc/login.defs ;user password related info
25 PASS_MAX_DAYS 99999
=================================== x ===========================
Rules 2: shutdown disallow
52 Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/poweroff, /usr/sbin/reboot
Rules 3: permit for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias RUMON = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel
99 rumon ALL=(ALL) RUMON
Rules 4: permit group (support) for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias SUPPORT = /usr/sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/passwd,
109 %support ALL=(ALL) SUPPORT
=================== The End ===============
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd | less
root : 0
system user: 1 - 999
regular user: 1000 +
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd tarek
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep tarek
tarek: x: 1001: 1001: :/home/tarek :/bin/bash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 - username
2 - user password info (/etc/shadow)
3 - userid (UID)
4 - groupid (GID): primary
5 - user's comment/descriptions
6 - user's home dir
7 - user's shell
[root@desktopX ~]# id tarek
uid=1001(tarek) gid=1001(tarek) groups=1001(tarek)
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow ; user password related info
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahfuz ; user create
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mamun
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahfuz
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Alt+Ctrl+F2 -- Alt+Ctrl+F6
login: mahfuz ; login as regular user
pass: 123 ; (note: please numlock on)
[mahfuz@desktopX ~]$ exit
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd trainer ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd staff ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group ; group related info
trainer :x: 1003:
1 2 3 4
1 - group name
2 - group password info (/etc/gshadow)
3 - gid
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group ; check trainer group
[root@desktopX ~]# gpasswd -M mahfuz,mamun trainer ; '-M' for members
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer tarek ;existing user modify
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -G trainer belal ; newuser to group
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/group | grep trainer
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer,staff ikbal ; single user assign to multiple groups
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# id ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -u 3000 roman ; user careate with UID
[root@desktopX ~]# grep roman /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd -g 3100 admin
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# groupmod -n faculty trainer ;change group name
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# gpasswd -d ikbal staff ; remove from group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd -d ikbal ; password remove
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Login regular user:
Linux GUI terminal: 1 (Alt + Ctrl + F1)
Linux Command Terminal: (Alt+Ctrl+F2 - Alt + Ctrl + F6)
Login as root user
[root@desktopX ~]# id rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -c "Linux X student" rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1000:1000:Linux X student:/home/rafat:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# mkdir /newhome/rafat -p
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -d /newhome/rafat rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1003:1003: :/newhome/rafat:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/shells
[root@desktopX ~]# id student
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /sbin/nologin student ;change user shell
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
student :x:1002:1002::/home/student :/sbin/nologin
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /bin/bash student ;shell enable
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -L student ; user account lock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: ! $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -U student ; user account unlock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel rafat ; user delete without home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel -r rafat ; delete user with home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupdel admin ; groupdel
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# w ; user whats they are doing
[root@desktopX ~]# getent passwd student
[root@desktopX ~]# getent passwd admin
[root@desktopX ~]# getent group admin
[root@desktopX ~]# getent group student
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -u 5000 -c "BOSS" -s /sbin/nologin sakib
[root@desktopX ~]# grep sakib /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahedi
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahedi
Login: mahedi
Pass: *****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
-bash: /usr/sbin/useradd: Permission denied
What is SUDO do ?
Sudo allows a permitted user to execute a specifc command or a
group of commands or all commands as the superuser.
regular user: rumon, rony, lucky
=> rm,cp,mv,
=> mkdir,touch
=> pwd,free -m,
=> ping, df -HT
=> ip addr, tail
Command run from: /bin/
super user: root
=> useradd, passwd, groupadd
=> setup, systemctl
=> shutdown, poweroff
=> setenforce
Command run from: /sbin
Note: [root@desktopX ~]# which useradd ; command for location of useradd command
[root@desktopX ~]# which pwd
Editing sudo configuration File:
Rules 1: permit for all
[root@desktopX ~]# visudo
:set nu
98 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
99 mahedi ALL=(ALL) ALL ; mahedi allow for any command
:x (save and exit)
Press: Alt + Ctrl + F3
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ sudo useradd rasel
[sudo] password for mahedi: ****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ tail /etc/passwd
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ exit
Working with /etc/shadow file:
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow | grep lucky
Login: lucky
passL: 123
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky ;password info
Last password change : MM DD, YYYY
Password expires : never
Password inactive : never
Account expires : never
Minimum number of days between password change : 0
Maximum number of days between password change : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
password: P@ssword123 (new password)
[root@desktopX ~]# chage lucky
Minimum Password age [0]: 3
Maximum Password age [99999]: 30
Last Password Changed (YYYY-MM-DD): Press Enter (today)
Password Expiration Warning [7]: 5
Password Inactive [-1]: 5
Account Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) [-1]: YYYY-MM-DD
note: If press Enter account never expire
[root@desktopX ~]# date
[root@desktopX ~]# date MMDDHHMMYY
[root@desktopX ~]# date
============= More commands ==============
[root@desktopX ~]# grep lucky /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# date -d "+30 days"
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -M 90 lucky ;every 90 days
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# grep lucky /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -d 0 lucky ;must changed password in next login
[root@desktopX ~]# vim /etc/login.defs ;user password related info
25 PASS_MAX_DAYS 99999
=================================== x ===========================
Rules 2: shutdown disallow
52 Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/poweroff, /usr/sbin/reboot
Rules 3: permit for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias RUMON = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel
99 rumon ALL=(ALL) RUMON
Rules 4: permit group (support) for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias SUPPORT = /usr/sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/passwd,
109 %support ALL=(ALL) SUPPORT
=================== The End ===============
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