Hello Guys !!
WanNa HoW To F!nD tHe PaSs WoRd oF LocKeD MeMoRy CaRd !!
1. Insert your card into your phone , without accessing it through the phone .
2. Run F Explorer and Open the pathC: \system
3 . Find the file called mmcstore , andrename it mmcstore.txt
4. Copy that file (mmcstore.txt) to your PC and open it in Notepad
5. Your password will be located within that !!
EnJoY !-¡ ¡-!
WanNa HoW To F!nD tHe PaSs WoRd oF LocKeD MeMoRy CaRd !!
1. Insert your card into your phone , without accessing it through the phone .
2. Run F Explorer and Open the pathC: \system
3 . Find the file called mmcstore , andrename it mmcstore.txt
4. Copy that file (mmcstore.txt) to your PC and open it in Notepad
5. Your password will be located within that !!
EnJoY !-¡ ¡-!
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